Deluxe Edition: Select Julia’s 3D Statue Pose and FreshWomen - Season 2 Episode 3 Part 3 progress

Hello, my dear FreshMen!

What an amazing week we had! Production is flowing, Susan’s sex scene is getting better and better, new tech is being developed, and we’ve got a lot to talk about!

Firstly, about the Deluxe Edition! We’re polishing our Character Skins proof of concept, and testing it thoroughly to make sure nothing breaks. There’s also a new usage we’re experimenting with, that I’m very hyped to tell you about. But, I want to be 100% sure it’ll work, because this will be a big one! Next week we’ll finish our tests and be ready to share it with you.

Now, about our 3D Digital Statues! We made a lot of progress this week, and it’s time to select the final pose for Julia’s 3D Digital Statue! Make sure you pick the best one here.

I personally can’t wait to print mine! To me, this is a very special idea. It’s bringing something digital into the physical world. And something that we poured our hearts and souls for years to create! Incredible! Julia’s Statue already has a reserved space on my shelf! xD

Selecting the pose will be the last step before we send the model to our 3D Sculptor, so be sure to vote until Sunday.

Deluxe Editions are coming! Are you ready?

Speaking of being ready, Season 2 Episode 3 Part 3 production is flowing greatly! We’re done with blocking, and almost done with lighting. Next, we’ll polish everything, fix bugs, and make sure everything is done to ensure you have the best experience possible.

Susan’s sex scene is turning into one of our best to date, and this week I had a very cool experience. I got a few people of our team, who hadn’t seen the scene before, to play it. And they loved it! It was a very special moment for me, and it made me certain we’re going in the right direction. We’re working very hard on this scene, Susan deserves our best, and you do too!

Here’s our progress in Season 2 Episode 3 Part 3 so far:

  • Storyboard: DONE!;
  • Blocking: DONE!;
  • Lighting: 7 in progress, 3 to go;
  • Facial Expression: 4 scenes done, 3 in progress, 3 to go;
  • Cloth Simulation and Polish: 1 scene done, 9 to go;
  • Animations: 24 on finishing stages, 8 to go;
  • Characters and Script are done!

II’m very, very hyped to release this part! It is emotional, fun, and super, super sexy. It has everything you could want in an amazing update and (if everything we’re planning works out) more! As soon as I’m 100% certain of a final release date, we’ll announce it.

PS: This week, we also made a Behind The Scenes Photoshoot with Arlian and Zhara! The shots look so pretty that they could’ve come straight out of a magazine’s page. Get it here.

That’s it for today, my friends. What a great, great week! We’re getting closer and closer to our next updates, and our team is very happy. Soon, it’ll finally be the time to share everything we’re working on with you!

As always, our deepest thanks to you for your love, participation and support. Making games has always been our dream, and thanks to you, we can dedicate our lives to creating these amazing experiences together! Thank you! Truly!

See you soon,


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