Oppaiman.com Growth, FreshWomen - Season 2 Episode 3 Part 2, Hair Physics and Forbidden Fantasy - Chapter 4

Hello, my dear FreshMen!

After a quick two-week break to replenish our energies, we’re back for another semester of production!

Oppaiman.com is growing very, very fast, and in July, we reached a huge milestone: 60 games offered on our platform, generating $61.781 in new monthly revenue to our partner devs!

Powering up the NSFW Dev Community, and helping talented devs achieve their full potential has been an amazing mission, and we’re very grateful with the reception we’re getting from devs and players! A bigger community means more devs, more players, and, of course, more great games!

If you’re a game developer, and want to publish your game at Oppaiman.com, we’re now accepting games with at least 10 active subscribers. Click here to know more: http://oppai.me/how_to-sell-your-game-on-oppaiman-com-step-by-step

In other news, we’re making steady progress on FreshWomen - Season 2 Episode 3 Part 2! Here’s a summary of where we are now:

  • Blocking: DONE!;
  • Lighting: 7 scenes done, 1 in progress, 0 to go;
  • Facial Expression: 8 scene done, 0 to go;
  • Cloth Simulation and Polish: 5 scenes done, 3 in progress, 0 to go;
  • Animations: 27 animations in tertiary movement and polish!;
  • Characters, Script and Storyboards are done!
  • Voice Acting is done!

In a few more days we’ll be ready to announce a release date. This episode is really special for us, as we used it to implement an important piece of tech: hair physics! I’ve attached a snippet of how it works in this week's video, so be sure to check it out!

FreshWomen - Season 2 Episode 3 Part 2 will be packed full of animations, and Devilla is sexier than ever! I’m sure you’ll be very, very happy with what we’ve got in store for this update.

Forbidden Fantasy - Chapter 4 is also going strong! It’s new Patreon page already has more than 1800 paid members, and 2300 free members!

The new chapter is quite something, and I can’t wait to share more with you. You’re in for a lot of adventure, twists, and a very, very special sex scene.

Read our full Status Update here: http://oppai.me/Status-Update_07-26

Our accelerated release scheduled at Oppaiman.com brought you incredible releases this month, and here are our staff picks for this week:


I’m very, very excited about this semester! We have a lot of releases lined up, new tech improvements, a few things I can’t yet talk about with you, and, of course, Steam!

Thank you so much for your feedbacks and support! It’s a huge pleasure to create these games for you!

See you soon,


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