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Amazing game. Loving it so far, story is great and addictive. Wish it had some animation to it but I was amazing either way. Keep up the work. (just earned a new patreon sub) :) 

It always crashes on startup.

Can you tell more about your device?


Just here because the game asked me to review. I normally wait until I finish or have several hours into a game before I review, but since the game asked so nicely...

I'm not usually one for VN's, but this game is extremely high quality by Itch standards, and I'm really enjoying it so far. The models are high-def, the posing and camera angles are good, the story seems interesting so far, the girls are all absurdly hot, I haven't yet seen any grammatical errors (which is astoundingly rare for Itch games), or any bugs for that matter, also rare on Itch. I only have 2 nitpicks, starting with the dialogue: there's not much text per click even when it's the same image for 3-5 frames, I feel like a  lot of the dialogue could be put on the same click without it feeling like too much to read at once, maybe even just 1 more sentence. The second gripe is just that the sex scenes are a bit short and far between, I can't stay hard while playing, which is really weird for me (no, I don't have ED or anything like that). But I understand that it's probably for the purpose of storybuilding and to save work/money, so all is forgiven. 


great art and story so far


I love the high quality of the pictures and the liveliness of the characters. I'm looking very much forward of seeing more of those thick and gorgeous girls. Keep up the good work sir!


this game is very high quality. I play a lot of adult games and through the beginning of this game. You see good character development and a lot of focus on the story. I look forward to continue playing the game


The characters so far are pretty great pretty genuine and real i dont know if these people are based on the authors personal life or not they really cool and i really like the music choices *chefs kiss*

(+1) I've paid for the Name in Credits, would it be possible for me to have the name as: "Vålnad"?

Yes, It's possible. It's going to be included with episode 2.

Great game, enjoying it so far

Es mundo abierto?

This is a Quality game. Soooo great ! Keep it up !!!

Great original game play. Looking forward to continuing the trip

I'm enjoying the game quite a bit. The characters are well done, the music is well chosen for the scenes, and there's an appropriate level of campiness mixed with seriousness in the plot. It will be nice to see how the game develops.

Well written, Good music

this is a very good game

(1 edit) (+1)

Man, just throw in the trash every bad comment about your game! 

MOSTLY OF IT IS ABSOLUTELY AWESOME. The pace, the growing, you don't waste time with "non-sense" conversations, the story is good, the mini-plots are good (like the Russian) to keep entertaining, the big plots also are good and I really believe in a BUNCH of potential coming from a VN. Potential to be one of the bests, actually.

You're an animator too, right? I could see it just in the begining, you're pretty good doing your job. AND AMAZING RENDERS. Girls are pretty well done, I liked the way you're doing different personalities pretty good.

Daydreaming in other games was just a "argh, nothing", but you reinvented it by putting not just a mini-plot there but also humor which makes even daydreaming interesting.

AMAZING SOUNDTRACK, really pretty good!

Good job with the easings. It feels more natural than most of VNs.

Your chapter 1 is good in essence, not heavy, not unfamiliar, not "what's going on here?", everything has a relaxed pace which makes the game playable for hours without making you feel sick of it.

It's the first VN I played where the MC is so well done (I really dislike the fully 1st person all the freaking time even when it's a kiss). The guy is dope, by the way. Innocent, but no so much, a great guy. I liked this project as much as I liked Being a DIK, and I love Being a DIK.

DON'T DROP THIS PROJECT, it will make you much money! 

Good story pace and some early "rewarding" scenes, only downside is the models are a little too thic for my taste. 


Story has interesting twists:

Mystery father

Loss of memory through unusual and relatively rare event

Underlying feeling that there is more to every character than meets the eye

Lots of attractive characters with some mystery around them

Has enough interest to propel the player forward


This is a very nice game.

Any plans for a mac version?

I just published a Mac version!

Let me know if that works for you:

It works, Thanks!


This is nice a nice game, the story really got me and everything is pretty good so far


Good game


Pretty good, one of the game with  the best style of the characters I saw. Just continue your work, it's great.


Played through to the end before telling my thoughts, since I really like to speak on the game based on looks alone. If that was the case, I would have surely said that this was just one of those ordinary 3D porn games, but after fully playing and experiencing Episode 1, all I can say is


The style of the characters are amazing. I loved playing through it and hearing from all the girls, but Dylan? Favorite character, hands down.  Looking forward to more updates and Episode 2!


Really high quality game this far. Looking forward play to the rest of the story.


Nice game so far!! Love it

Quality game. Nuff said


One of the best games I have played so far really worth the time to play it!

can someone let me know if it has netorare? I just want to know before I start playing

(1 edit)

The book in the library: If it fit, i sit! D.Johnson. Lmao! 

  1. -Nice game and story, 
  2. -Awsome effect for char. presentation. (i really like the way it goes when you meat a new girl, it is very original vs the other games!),
  3. -Special quest to get picture are awsome! Special pictures or Animations, are always great quest to unlock! It's more interresting for us, players, to read and explore the main story in my opinion (i have played like 30 games for adults and adding special quest in my personal opinion, make it much interesting than the other games!)

Soon i'll give a donation for now i go back to finish the game! Keep up the good work please you've got something here! (excuse me for poor english it's not my main language!)


what fetishes does the game have ?

(1 edit)

Got to the would you like to leave a review and let me say quality great story so far comedic sexy and funny so far amazing job :) :) 

Edit : Finished first episode and am looking forward to more :) :)

Cool game, I'm looking forward to playing more.

This is a pretty neat game. Everything looks polished and you can tell that there's a lot of effort into the plot of the game. 

Deleted post
Deleted 3 years ago

There is another website very similar to Youtube, it’s called Pornhub, and you can publish any NSFW 18+ content there.

Anyway, I think I can give you another link to the game so you can bypass this situation.

Use this link to allow people to download and play it on Windows:

(I’m going to keep the file active, but I should delete this link to keep the comments section clean.)

Deleted 3 years ago
Deleted 3 years ago
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