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Do i need to buy it again for the 1-3 Walkthrough guide ? and for the episode 3 ?

Yeah do we have to buy the walkthrough again?


I think I misconfigured the walkthrough guide. I should check it to make sure that you wont have to buy it again if you bought it in the past.

ah cool ty very mutch :3 


Try to download the walkthrough again from your library:

that worked! thanks

(1 edit)

Try to download the walkthrough again from your library:


Nice game, Breast man 😂


Story and renders are great

Thanks, sonpov268

I downloaded the apk file (which is actually a .zip file that needed a specfic app to open) and I get "the was a problem parsing the package" and it cancels the installation. I attempted it twice and got the message both times. Help?

Deleted 3 years ago

Hey, RialosOfAstora.

I uploaded a new apk version. Can you try to download and install it again?


Works perfectly now. Thank you very much.




The wait is over!

You can now enjoy Episode 3 as a FREE update on

New content:

  • 1138 renders
  • 27 animations (+11 extra animations for episode 2)
  • 30 songs
  • 63 sound effects

Download the new version to access episode 3 (after the ending of 2).




if i buy the game rn would i get future episodes for free or would they have to be paid seperately

once per season, updates are free after. 

ok thank you

What does that mean "once per season"? Do I need to pay again in the spring or what?

Seasons will be roughly every 5 episodes.


Love the game man, the renders are nice and the story works well. Only have a few suggestions:

One, A gallery or scene browser. Pretty sure renpy makes this easier

Two, Some localization would be nice, but I know that's a lot of effort


I'm curious, what sort of kinks/fetishes are included in the game


It's a great game, i'm amaze with introduction effect of every character the MC met. Keep up the good work 👍👍👍 


I really dont know how to rate this game. Before playing Episode 3 I would have rated it with 5/5. But then i played Episode 3. And I played for the 5$ Patreon Tier to play it 2 weeks earlier. I have to say, that I am really disappointed by the amount of content of Episode 3. I paied 5$ extra to get 1.5h of gameplay.... 

I will definitely never pay for early access again, sorry....

I'm in the same boat. I know how much time and resources can be sunk into a game, but Episode 3 was very disappointing. I think in the end it took me 20 minutes to play through. Granted I'm a fast reader, but I still expected more, you know? Especially when the price has been upped to 8 bucks.

I enjoyed it before, but the choices seemed very obvious in this Episode "Do you help your friend or are you an asshole?". Definitely will be waiting for Episode 4 before considering to be a Patreon

.apk version won't install, Samsung S21+

if you had the game installed before hand uninstall it and try again that normally works if not let us know again

Thanks for the reply. I didn't have it installed, and I deleted the apk and redownloaded it, but I get the same error. Other apks I've downloaded install fine.

Someone on discord said to

use Zarchiver to install it 

I'm not sure what that is but if it works out for you let us know or even join the discord to get faster results if you would like to.

Hope it works out but I'll let it be known to the group

That did it! Thanks.

good to know for the future


What a Must Have !  Love on you Oppai-Man (and your crew) ;)


Will I have to buy the game again when episode 3 releases?


On you get a free update for Episode 3 on February 25.


OppaiMan, I have two questions for you, the first is a suggestion for the promotion of your game, why don't you add Freshwomen on Google Play Store only with Censorship, and the uncensored version players download here, that it would be really good for your game, and the second question is is the game going to be on steam?


About the play store, that is a great question! I should try to add the game to Google Play with censorship and see what happens.

And the game is going to be in Steam. We only need to finish episodes 4 and 5 and release it there. The game is coming soon.

I understand, ok so I will hope that everything works out for you and also that the Google Play Store accepts your game without problems, and on steam I will definitely make a wishlist.  good luck 🥰👍

one more question for you, the game will soon have other languages like "French, Japanese, Italian and Portuguese" a point that would be nice for your game.

Adding more languages is on my to-do list.


Great game, excellent graphics and story.


The game is excellent, I wanna know more about the story and the technical section is spectacular. It's now on my top 1 list


Very enjoyable game! Excellent graphics, story and soundtrack. One of my new favourites.

Overall Rating: 830 per 1000 Great
1. Graphic 10% 98 100
1.1 Faces 3% 10 10
1.2 Bodies 2% 9 10
1.3 Background, details 5% 10 10
2. Female characters 20% 89 100
2.1. Attractive girlfriend (or best option) 8% 9 10
2.2. Attractive Female Characters (AVG) 4% 7 10
2.3. Many female characters to choose from 5% 10 10
2.4. Personality of female characters 3% 9 10
3. Plot 20% 80 100
3.1. MC personality (best option) 4% 9 10
3.2. Not boring 7% 9 10
3.3. Realistic 4% 6 10
3.4. Well written 3% 7 10
3.5. Non-sexual content 2% 8 10
4. Mechanics 40% 78 100
4.1. Large number of decisions 5% 7 10
4.2. Meaningful choices, separate story lines 10% 7 10
4.3. MC Character Building 6% 5 10
4.4. Can choose relationships & sex 10% 10 10
4.5. Relations building 5% 8 10
4.6. Smooth navigation ( no sandbox, puzzles, mini-games) 3% 10 10
4.7 Point of View 2% 8 10
5. Sex 10% 82 100
5.1. Preferable Content 6% 7 10
5.2 No Disgusting or Unwanted Content 4% 10 10
See my full ranking on

You sir rated Succubus Contract as a waste of time. You just don't have taste i am willing to trust.

Well, there's a saying: 'A taste is not a matter of discussion - one likes a cookie with a hole in it, another one when his feet stink.' And seriously, I wrote on my site that I like only games with male protagonist.

are you going to charge for every episode?

I already bought one 15.00

one time  per season

How many episodes will be there in a season?


5 episodes


Thats actually very 

fair, especially considering the work that has gone into this amazing game. 

Will Episode 3 be available here later or is it only available on patreon?

It'll be available here on February 25

is there anyway to track patreon payment on here, i dont mind paying the extra to get it early but id like it to be shown as purchased on itch as well.


Actually, YES!

This is the Episodes 1-3 version that you'll show as purcharsed here on


quick question. I paid for the pc version, am I also allowed to download the android version or would I need to pay again? 


nvm i found the answer! amazing game! cant wait for ep 3!


How often are seasons released? I know you have a limited team, just wondering on average how often new content is released


2-3months per episode (as things progresses will be faster)  as for seasonal yet to be determined.


Hey bought this game as my first nsfw game, do I have to pay again for newer episodes? Example : ep3?

Based on games of similar character, it seem episodes are first released for patreon subscribers and then some time later for people who bought the game on itch. 

A quick gander on the patreon page confirms that EP3 is not released yet, and has no release date. So you either wait, or subscribe to the patreon to get it when it comes out...

You can also find a lot of this info by reading the description above :P 

does this have femdom?

possibly in the future.


ok I shall wait for that update 

It's not launching on my phone, I have Android. I'm not really knowledgeable about downloading games outside of the traditional stores. Is there anything I can do to make it launch?

Hmm did u install it with the apk file to your phone?  If it installed and still doesn't run then it could be either your phone cant run it or their  something else going on.
i couldn't run the game when i was on a much weaker phone then i do now so im thinking that might be the case.


got it to work! Really fun game! Can't wait for the next chapter! 

do I buy this once and get all episode or do I have to buy every episode when they come out?

One time and done the episodes join in one file so you'll just need to redownload the file when a new update hits.


When episode 3 comes out, will i have to re buy the whole thing, or ill be able to get it without paying once more?

If you bought the game prior the update is free and were aiming  to finish by the end of the month.


I know I'm in America and things may be higher here, but it seems that you guys are really getting much more done for the budget your on than I expected. You guys are doing a great job, I'm struggleing a little right now, but I'll try to up my patreon  a little more in a couple weeks, my works picking up, and Im almost above water again, figuratively speaking. Thx for the update

Is ep 2 released yet if it does will u get in-game update or should I completely buy new game?

Ep 1 and 2 are in the same file just redownload the game and after the scenes of episode one are done it'll move to the next episode

Do I have to buy every single update aswell or is it onetime charge? (Thinking to support through Patreon just need to test the game before that I need answers :P)


one time charge per season (seasons estimated about 8-10 episodes long by old estimates).

any femdom in the gam? :)

Not as of right now. But always possible.

(2 edits)

Sorry for criticism, but here we go:

The world feels too empty and artificial (I am guessing due to money/time constraints). The women behaviour seems too improbable and robotic. The constant panty shots also somewhat distract from story (that's probably more of a problem for me rather than everyone). 

Please, add more non sexual interactions in the world. Otherwise it almost feels post-apocaliptic. We exist in the liminal space, where there are only a handful of women and one weird "friend" that we spent no time learning about, but for some reason he throws us a party. 

(1 edit) (+2)

Best game ever, i like it. more episode please

Is freedom to move around and do stuff or am I just reading and watching with the occasional choice

The occasional choice. There may be ongoing consequences, but it's DEFINITELY not free-roam. Seems like a good 50+% of the choices are effectively "things are getting spicy. Do you go with it, or shut things down?"

As far as I can tell the game doesn't have narrative branches. Instead there is the singular plotline, and along the way you can opt in to sex scenes.

Damned, wish my life was more like that, the opt into a sex scene part, lol

wean dose the next epsode reelese

Planed for the end of this month.

bro a question for when episode 3 or 4 or 5?

episode estimate to be finished by the end of January ep 4-5 tba

i bought the game but it wont let me download the walkthrough. please hel

just try again later if its not downloading for you properly could be the servers are down or your connection is to low at the time that you tried getting it. 


Was slightly disappointed with my purchase. Since this was a paid game, I sort of expected the nsfw scenes to be animated. Obviously some sort of misunderstanding on my part, but if I were to have the option of buying it again, knowing they weren't animated, I wouldn't have bought it. Either way, the renders are lovely, and the storyline and soundtrack was incredible. But, for only 2-3 hours of gameplay, and non-animated nsfw, I expected a little more.  


animation will be coming into the game soon we only had a few people working on it from the first 2 episodes older scenes will be getting animations added in down the road as well.

(1 edit)

Quality of the game is excellent.  However I'd like to point out that two of the scenes has no money shot.  Anyway we get to choose which cum shot we take.  Like chest, creampie, facial etc..  Would be nice if we have an option to choose.  Also maybe add pregnancy storyline with the game too?

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