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what is that one song in it also really great game


Which one? there are several  I'll be able to find it if I know the one you're refering to.


Pretty good. Can't wait for more


Quite lucky to have downloaded the early part of this game when it was still free. Got no money t spend so Im quite sad that its for sale now. Graphics wise, this game is S+. The women are top notch. 5 stars

Same here, hope we get grandfathered into the updates


Better 3D graphics than I've seen in any other game, well written, with believable (mostly) characters.


We will watch you career with great interest, you are my Hero! (sorry for my english)


is there any endings where the player can wind up with multiple girls


Yes, I'm planning a harem ending.

if you buy the game now do you automatically get the future updates for free when the game is finally finished? 

Yes that is  how it'll be implemented. So its better to buy early while you can!


I played the game when it was free, have the game changed when it become paid???

Not yet. Now that the game became paid I got extra money to hire an animator for Episode 2. The new content is launching in Late August.

could you bring the game to steam?  come on  make my day

I'll bring the game to Steam mid 2022 when Season 1 is complete :)

(2 edits) (+1)

I mean i like it. The only thing that sucks is that the Main Protagonist is a Bitch. Good game tho!

Deleted post

depending on your reading capability roughly 50-80 (give or take) mins was the rough timing during testing times. Though the time will increases with each new update.  


yikes why is it no longer free? i swear it was literally only a v0.01 like last month. aha, use patreon for income man dont block off a majority of players with a paywall


its only $3

Deleted 1 year ago
Deleted 1 year ago

Dude if you want yo play then pay. A lot of companies do that. He/She/They is a small developer, he needs some income to make this game work.


Has nice casual conversations and fun entertaining story and events. A lot of it almost feels sorta roughly possible to ever happen. Graphics are nice. Shame no animation or voiced dialogued but in a way it lets you use more of your imagination.

I think its worth playing as compared to other titles its maybe one of the better ones.

With future updates there will be animations added in due time so stay tuned for that.


omg i found this game interesting  and i want to know if there are animate action scenes, thanks for answering and  all the best for you guys

there a few animated scenes, but they don't have much "action".


Don't purchase this for three dollars if you want to play it that badly get the free version, but I reccomend not playing it at all there isn't any audio which is standard for most pay to play VNs and there are way better games than this one with better animation, audio, image quality, and storyline free of charge. If your new to the VA scene and you see this at the top of the itchio reccomended steer clear and go with Unlimited pleasure 4.2 instead or Mur Mur or really any of the plethora of high quality VNs out there cause this games sucks


Amazing one of the best I have played, great artwork I study animation so that's what I look the most at, and it's really great but a little dry at times, maybe a bit more moistre could do


Great artwork, and music. But a couple of things should be looked at. The bicycle don't have a cargo rack for packages (mabey boring but should be added i think), how come his penis didn't look wet after the sex he dreamt with his neighbour the first night, mabey add a bit moisture or something.


Pretty great, would be nice to have more moving action scenes. Can't wait for Ep. 2!


How to I find Episode 2

It'll be published in late August. You just have to wait.


the game is amazing ! can you do long-time  scenes like movies?

I'm getting it done right now.

I've just downloaded the updated version, how do I access the updates without loosing my progress

Your progress should be transferred from one version to the next without a problem.

What updated have you made if you don't mind me asking because I was still only able to access episode one

I only updated the name of the version because some people were confused about the version numbering. When I actually post an update, I'll also post a change log.

oh ok, I didn't know you post a change log, thanks for taking your time to respond and I love your game btw


i looooove this gamee


Hi, I am interested in your game, however before I decide how much to pay I am curious if you have a current and planned fetishes list?


The game is pretty much vanilla.


i absolutely love this game!

if youre thinking about getting this game; do it.

this is your sign.

you wont regret it ;3


This game has a great cast and solid pacing. The music is really enjoyable, too.


Enjoyable so far, interesting story and beautiful girls. 


im on a mission to date every girl at once because they are all fairly likable for a change.  Hopefully I don't end up with some kind of School Days style ending lmao


That's some good stuff. Well done.

Deleted post

Wow impressive quality! story is fun and can't wait to see what's next. Great job!


great game only feedback is i wish there were more video scenes.

your in luck in future scenes there will be animations added!


Thanks to MXR I have another entertaining game


this game is good. but its very vanilla. happy guy banging very chick ehhe no dark themes so far apart from the main story


super entertaining, mxr brought me here!


MXR brought me here and I am not regretting it! Great game so far!


Wow ppl are rude. it was just a question.


watched MXR do a vid on this so far the game is nice a the BGM is great too keep up the amazing story telling


Are you planning on making this game free or pay only?

(2 edits) (-2)

Get a job, it's 3 dollars


Pay only. I'm investing all the money  I get into hiring an animator for the sex scenes.


Ok. See idk why the ppl on here are rude. It was only a simple question. Btw the game is pretty damn good.


This game is by far the most top quality game I've played out of an H game and I love it.

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