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Because Steam blocked the store pages of adult games in Germany but allowed to activate a Steam key of these games, is it possible to get a Steam key, when I buy it here?


When is Season 2 on Steam?

when theres more content to send it with (looking at 4 episodes added befor sending it to steam as of now)

Thank you for replying.. Please keep me updated (I do have it in my Wishlist). I bought it on Steam originally, so want to keep my games in the same place. Thank you again. 


Loved this game and bought it for 13.99. Do I get a discount on season 2 at all?


Have no complaints. Just don't recycle characters, that seems a bit mundane

This update is full of bug

Downloads always stop halfway, on pc and android.anybody got a fix for that (my downspeed is around 225MB/s)

Sorry for being late but do try resetting your modem/router.

and try another browser if need be


This game is awesome you can take your time and choise but no have the image when you save something.

I can’t get the downloaded file to play. Why do I do? I have an iPhone X 

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Iphone doesn't work. The apple download is for macs. If you had an android you could do the apk or you can get it on a computer.

so iPads would be the same as the phone huh?

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Yes, they both run on ios.


any femdom in this game and character name, please?

or dominating personality female character name 


Hey, you forgot to put on tags for FreshWomen Season 2 Episode 1!


I love this one, the models are soo cute :)


Great game

(3 edits) (+8)(-2)

I am unsure of what to say about "Freshwomen". The renders and animations are some of the best I've seen. The character designs have all been really good for the most part, but would be nice if the breast size for some were more realistic. The story, or lack thereof, however is what has let it down for me. It felt almost like one of those cheesy porn films with a plot pried in just to fill in some gaps. I had high hopes, but was left rather disappointed.

Dylan is best Bro.


When will the dubbing of the first installment be released


Just started, but love the game so far. It's my first purchase here on itch, and was feeling really hesitant about it too. But I think it's going to end up being money very well spent.

Hey Maadao, i just wanted to shoot you a message and say that another great game on itch is Ripples.

Will you bring  season 2 to Android aswell?

No due to the size growth and limited apk file sizes it wont be.


Im curious, can you play the Steam version on Mac?


I just love Alyssa, Fell in love with her. While lilly is the most sexiest of all the faces. where can i get E2?


very good, just missing a little pubic hair on the female characters, so they don't look too much like mannequins down there, so it will be more realistic!!

My zip file is not opening, it says access denied, how do i open, ive purchased it.

a extractor helps 7zip or winrar the file isnt password protected so just get one of those and it should work out  just extract it with one of those and you should be good to go.

Thanks, i was able to extract already and started playing, each character is too awesome. I wanted to learn making a visual noval how do u do that? any Hints?

Not sure what the made team does but the game started on daz3d and renply then moved to blender so if you wana start anywere learn some renply coding and if you  wana do 3d models learn on daz and such thats what i would do.

Well thanks for the reply, I appreciate it.


Amazing game my dude!


i really love FWS1



The game got better


Awesome game! Lovely characters and a great story.


Most handsome MC in my opinion. Pretty boy with a big cock is something realistically women want




As much as I think the game does deserve the money, I also find it frustrating to have the game being separate in "seasons" and have to buy each of them separately, if I had known earlier I probably would not have bought it.

Don't get me wrong I really liked the game, but I when I buy a game I expect that, a game, not part of it.
I don't mind having to wait an extensive period of time for each episode after all I bought in early and it was my own choice to decide to buy and support this game. I just would not have if I knew this in advance, because I avoid any game that works like this.
I'll wait and see, if it only gets 2, maximum 3 seasons maybe i'll wishlist and wait for a sale or smth, or i'll just completely drop it even if I liked the game

It may have been available info, in which case it's completely on me and my disappointment is my own fault, but if it wasn't then I think it's fair to be disappointed by it ? I was pretty excited to receive an email saying the new episode had come out, only to find out I had to buy the new season, I waiting thinking "hey maybe it's for different tiers and since I bought in when it was cheap i'm just really low on the list"
But after waiting it became obvious that I was just being delusional, and although I think I understand why it was decided to be split the way it was, I just can't help but dislike it and I needed to air it out under here.

If you've read this so far and you want to know "Is it even worth getting the game ?"- it is, it's actually pretty good, I wouldn't go as far as calling it the best but for being the only game on here I bought, it still ranks pretty high compared to my favorite top ranked free games. And if money isn't a problem for you the way it is for me, it's definitely not far fetched to throw a couple dozens of dollars on it.
The chara designe overall is pretty good, might not like some of their faces but this is all subjective, frekles and skin in general is pretty detailed and actually looks amazing. The eyes also look really good, I don't actually have anything bad to say about the game itself. Sure there are a couple character's I don't really find attractive, but it's not a game problem since it's a subjective matter.

It has an actual storyline from which it doesn't seem to deviate too much so far, it just sucks that I can't afford to basically buy an other game to continue it


Love this game 💝


I love the game, played it like 56 times, doing different things... im still enjoying it now.


Game is great. Worth the price

 Funny, charming, sexy.


Awesome game


Oh my God. This game is too outstanding. Best graphics and animations that I've played so far would love to see season two and keep up the good work


Это очень классная игра!!! Отличный сюжет, очень красивые персонажи и классная графика. У меня не выходит из головы эта игра. Она мне очень понравилась и я надеюсь что будет продолжение, так как я его очень жду и желательно чтобы эти персонажи никуда не пропали. Спасибо Oppai_Man за этот шедевр!

This is a great game! The renders and animations are superb. The story is very engaging. Apparently Julia is the fan favorite but I'm partial to Chloe! And Alyssa. I would ask that you make the Gallery scenes permanently unlocked because I lose access if I reload to choose alternate paths. Other than that, I love it!


For 13.99, you really need to supply a demo before I (and I'm sure others) will commit.


I second that.  I don't give any amount of money before I've tested the product.


Same here, if I like the game then I'd be happy to pay for it, but without even a short demo I'm reluctant to pay.  I've played free versions of other games on here and then paid for them because I liked them.

Is there another way to get the second season for those of us that don't like Patreon?

As far as I can remember it's gonna be on steam once all of "Season 2" is done as for those of us on here I think we're not gonna get it but I could be wrong. It's happened with other games I've gotten off here after itch changed their selling policy.


I know most of internet prefers big breasts, but it'd be nice if you can introduce more girls with medium/small ones.

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