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Well, after finishing chapter 1, I decided to leave a review. (per request)

The first thing I want to say is I am excited to see how this game turns out. I have played quite a few vn(s) in the last year--of all levels of quality--and this one is easily going to be top tier if everything continues along the trajectory I have seen. 

So, to the nitty gritty:

Visually, the game is stunning, and the level of detail is well done, top marks.

Gameplay has a few small hiccups, but nothing too bad. Most involve a lack of agency in my own perception. You're either interested in a particular girl or your not, so far that I've seen, no choices that make you feel like you "earned" someone's affection, but it is extremely early in development, so I'll reserve stating this as a good or a bad thing. (and to be fair, this is only going off the one girl you actually sleep with outside of fantasies)

Story seems to have some of the 'classic' tropes to the genre of the game, but don't seem too cliché, so lets hope it stays that way. 

Also, the soundtrack kicks ass, thanks for that.

Overall, a great game (if a bit too wordy on my part). The few requests/comments I have (if I can ask so much) are:

1. For there to be a bit more nuance to the choices you make, to make it feel like short of expressing a lack of interest, there is still several chances to "lose" the girls in the story by just not vibing with what attracts them to the MC. 

2. Animations :3

3. And perhaps a tracker for bios etc. I don't mean a point-system map (its your game, do what makes sense for you), but perhaps a way to read up on each character in game instead of at the end of chapters (if I come back 4 months from now, I would love a quick reference to familiarize myself with the characters again).

Sorry for the long review, but the game is really looking to be top-notch. Good on the folks at Oppaiman; I'm excited to see what they put forth!


Bruhhhhh, now this is how this genre of games should be made. Everything was top flight. Like as I'm typing this I don't know if i seen any animations, but I do know one thing. I was so distracted by the....content who knows.


Would you consider ever putting the game on steam? if so expect me to be one of the first to buy it. :)

In the future it maybe


Loving it so far. Great renders, interesting characters and a story that has potential to grow.

Look forward to the next release for sure!


Really enjoyed episode 1, can't wait for episode 2 and see how the story continues.. Lol at first I was abit taken back by how often the dude has wet dreams, I'm all for the story and not the lewd stuff but it was a bit frustrating having all these sexual encounters only for the dude to wake up, I feared that would be his character going through.. A dude who just dreams about girls lol, and I'm not even sure what went down with the lady we had to deliver the package to.. Was that a daydream or did he really have sex with her but she wasn't as young as we thought?.. The only sexual encounter that I'm sure was real was the one with Lily, the married chick.. Well I think her name is lily I forgot


+3 for stars for graphics

+2 for characters

+2 for overall feel of game

-2 for only 1 chapter

a perfect 5/5 stars 

(1 edit)

is there only one episode?

For now yes, late august the next episode will be here.


ok thanks

(1 edit)

The first episode seemed kind of....short. More so than most novels. Will future episodes have more content? I'd hate to see a paid novel have less content than free ones


bro i know what you mean  i threw so much money into the garbage bin because i paid for novels with a playtime of  less than one and a half hours but in this case you can clearly see why you have to pay for this novel only by looking at these ingame screenshots. the rendering is beyond perfection and to achieve such a high quality you need hardware that costs a lot of money

''Right now my team is made of two people, and we prioritize quality over quantity.''

with a little patience we will get what we paid for, I'm sure


Oh I agree, the quality is stunning. The quality and story have intrigued me and shown to be worth the paid amount. I'm just hoping future episodes won't be so short. For me that's the only killer to the price

as you guys have said the following episodes will get better and longer due to support so that there's more man power devoted to the game as for length it also varies per person depending on there reading level or if your just skipping so that may make some feel its short


I don't skip. I do read slightly faster than most I'm sure but if you're planning to add more content to each episode then I'm sure it'll take a nice long time. I look forward to it. Your first episode was a great taste

When will the Episode 2 be released please

late August.

When around late august? As it is the 26th now and we havent really heard much, sorry if I sounded rude, im just excited to see the next update!

As of now there might be slight delays as Oppai wants to make the game perfectly fleshed out but it'll be done soon 

(1 edit) (+1)

Does this game have  an actual story or is it just a mindless dating sim?

yes it has a story  and constantly being made


Great game! Lovely scenes and very nice art work

is the price of the game fixed or will it increase in the future,
also do you have to pay for every new episode?
-Thank You Kindly

The price of the game will increase with each new episode (Episode 2 coming in 30 days), but if you're an existing customer, you won't have to pay anything extra for the first 5 episodes.


The best game I've ever played

Story is 10/10

Art 8/10 

pls do animated scenes TYSM

I'll be waiting for the new update... 


There will be animations in the future no worries, and thanks for the compliments! 


Which fetishes does this game include? And how long is the playtime roughly? I guess it is still in development state? Thank you for letting me know :-)


So far there isn't much for fetishes as of yet and its about 50-100 mins long depending on how fast you read. 

(+2) It's officially been 69 days since this game has been published. ;)


I downloaded this game free a while back. I loved it and the story, was that just early access and I need to buy to get the rest of the story, or do I already have the full game? Please don't think I'm asking for the game for free, I'm not, I just want to know if I need to buy it, or if I've already got it. :)


You'll have to buy it to get the new updates from so yes you will need to buy it.
its a honest question so no worry's ^^ 

(1 edit) (+2)(-1)

Good game so far.
* Game tracks your choices and respects them, branching narrative (from what I can tell)
* HQ renders

* facial expressions of emotions seem a bit exagerated
* a bit short for now (but acceptable given that it's just 1 Episode yet with more planned)


Thank you for your insight. The characters expressions are bit dramatic so that it brings a little humor to the game, thats the reson for that. Also yes the game will get much longer in due time.

Deleted 1 year ago

In the future it will be.

what is that one song in it also really great game


Which one? there are several  I'll be able to find it if I know the one you're refering to.


Pretty good. Can't wait for more


Quite lucky to have downloaded the early part of this game when it was still free. Got no money t spend so Im quite sad that its for sale now. Graphics wise, this game is S+. The women are top notch. 5 stars

Same here, hope we get grandfathered into the updates


Better 3D graphics than I've seen in any other game, well written, with believable (mostly) characters.


We will watch you career with great interest, you are my Hero! (sorry for my english)


is there any endings where the player can wind up with multiple girls


Yes, I'm planning a harem ending.

if you buy the game now do you automatically get the future updates for free when the game is finally finished? 

Yes that is  how it'll be implemented. So its better to buy early while you can!


I played the game when it was free, have the game changed when it become paid???

Not yet. Now that the game became paid I got extra money to hire an animator for Episode 2. The new content is launching in Late August.

could you bring the game to steam?  come on  make my day

I'll bring the game to Steam mid 2022 when Season 1 is complete :)

(2 edits) (+1)

I mean i like it. The only thing that sucks is that the Main Protagonist is a Bitch. Good game tho!

Deleted post

depending on your reading capability roughly 50-80 (give or take) mins was the rough timing during testing times. Though the time will increases with each new update.  


yikes why is it no longer free? i swear it was literally only a v0.01 like last month. aha, use patreon for income man dont block off a majority of players with a paywall


its only $3

Deleted 1 year ago
Deleted 1 year ago

Dude if you want yo play then pay. A lot of companies do that. He/She/They is a small developer, he needs some income to make this game work.


Has nice casual conversations and fun entertaining story and events. A lot of it almost feels sorta roughly possible to ever happen. Graphics are nice. Shame no animation or voiced dialogued but in a way it lets you use more of your imagination.

I think its worth playing as compared to other titles its maybe one of the better ones.

With future updates there will be animations added in due time so stay tuned for that.


omg i found this game interesting  and i want to know if there are animate action scenes, thanks for answering and  all the best for you guys

there a few animated scenes, but they don't have much "action".


Don't purchase this for three dollars if you want to play it that badly get the free version, but I reccomend not playing it at all there isn't any audio which is standard for most pay to play VNs and there are way better games than this one with better animation, audio, image quality, and storyline free of charge. If your new to the VA scene and you see this at the top of the itchio reccomended steer clear and go with Unlimited pleasure 4.2 instead or Mur Mur or really any of the plethora of high quality VNs out there cause this games sucks


Amazing one of the best I have played, great artwork I study animation so that's what I look the most at, and it's really great but a little dry at times, maybe a bit more moistre could do


Great artwork, and music. But a couple of things should be looked at. The bicycle don't have a cargo rack for packages (mabey boring but should be added i think), how come his penis didn't look wet after the sex he dreamt with his neighbour the first night, mabey add a bit moisture or something.


Pretty great, would be nice to have more moving action scenes. Can't wait for Ep. 2!


How to I find Episode 2

It'll be published in late August. You just have to wait.


the game is amazing ! can you do long-time  scenes like movies?

I'm getting it done right now.

I've just downloaded the updated version, how do I access the updates without loosing my progress

Your progress should be transferred from one version to the next without a problem.

What updated have you made if you don't mind me asking because I was still only able to access episode one

I only updated the name of the version because some people were confused about the version numbering. When I actually post an update, I'll also post a change log.

oh ok, I didn't know you post a change log, thanks for taking your time to respond and I love your game btw

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